Google CL2 Calendar曝光

Google CL2 Calendar的链接
虽然通过该页面尚无法登陆,但足以使人们相信Google推出自己的Calendar只是时间问题。大家纷纷推测着Calendar可能拥有的各种功能,有好事者还发布了所谓的CL2截图,后经分析实际上是PS的作品。不过今天,Google CL2的多张真正截图出现在Techcrunch的网站上,据称是来自于Google CL2内部测试人员,而且确保100%真实。

About CL2
CL2 makes it easy — even effortless — to keep track of all the events in your life and compare them to what your friends and family have going on in theirs. We’ve designed a calendar that works for you — helping you add events from email, friends, and other public calendars — so you don’t have to spend all your time maintaining your schedule. CL2 even helps you discover new events you might be interested in. We think it’s a great tool for managing your daily schedule, keeping track of what everyone in your family is doing, organizing events for a club or team, or creating public events that you can promote to the world.



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