



雅虎和微软已在搜索业务方面展开合作,而Google正竭力应对这一新的威胁。咨询公司Benchmark分析师克莱顿·莫兰(Clayton Moran)指出,随着经济回暖,Google将继续从不断增长的互联网广告业务中获利。


U.S. Explicit Core Search

comScore Explicit Core Search Share Report*
September 2010 vs. August 2010
Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore qSearch
Core Search Entity Explicit Core Search Share (%)
Aug-10 Sep-10 Point Change
Total Explicit Core Search 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Google Sites 65.4% 66.1% 0.7
Yahoo! Sites 17.4% 16.7% -0.7
Microsoft Sites 11.1% 11.2% 0.1
Ask Network 3.8% 3.7% -0.1
AOL LLC Network 2.3% 2.3% 0.0

*“Explicit Core Search” excludes contextually driven searches that do not
reflect specific user intent to interact with the search results.

More than 16.0 billion explicit core searches were conducted in September. Google Sites ranked first with 10.6 billion searches, followed by Yahoo! Sites in second with 2.7 billion and Microsoft Sites in third with 1.8 billion. Ask Network accounted for 593 million explicit core searches followed by AOL LLC Network with 362 million.

comScore Explicit Core Search Query Report
September 2010 vs. August 2010
Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore qSearch
Core Search Entity Explicit Core Search Queries (MM)
Aug-10 Sep-10 Percent Change
Total Explicit Core Search 15,695 16,021 2%
Google Sites 10,259 10,593 3%
Yahoo! Sites 2,728 2,682 -2%
Microsoft Sites 1,744 1,791 3%
Ask Network 598 593 -1%
AOL LLC Network 366 362 -1%

U.S. Total Core Search

Google Sites accounted for 62.9 percent of total core search queries conducted, followed by Yahoo! Sites with 19.2 percent and Microsoft Sites with 12.5 percent. Ask Network captured 3.4 percent of total search queries, followed by AOL LLC with 2.0 percent. Google’s share increased by 2.4 percentage points, primarily due to the impact of Instant Search.

comScore Total Core Search Share Report*
September 2010 vs. August 2010
Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore qSearch
Core Search Entity Total Core Search Share (%)
Aug-10 Sep-10 Point Change
Total Core Search 100.0% 100.0% N/A
Google Sites 60.5% 62.9% 2.4
Yahoo! Sites 21.0% 19.2% -1.8
Microsoft Sites 12.8% 12.5% -0.3
Ask Network 3.5% 3.4% -0.1
AOL LLC Network 2.2% 2.0% -0.2

* “Total Core Search” is based on the five major search engines, including
partner searches, cross-channel searches and contextual searches. Searches
for mapping, local directory, and user-generated video sites that are not on the
core domain of the five search engines are not included in these numbers.

Americans conducted 17.7 billion total core search queries in September with Google Sites leading with 11.1 billion searches, followed by Yahoo! Sites with 3.4 billion and Microsoft Sites with 2.2 billion.

comScore Total Core Search Query Report
September 2010 vs. August 2010
Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations
Source: comScore qSearch
Core Search Entity Total Core Search Queries (MM)
Aug-10 Sep-10 Percent Change
Total Core Search 16,950 17,671 4%
Google Sites 10,259 11,119 8%
Yahoo! Sites 3,562 3,394 -5%
Microsoft Sites 2,166 2,204 2%
Ask Network 598 593 -1%
AOL LLC Network 366 362 -1%






《“ComScore发布美国9月份搜索引擎排名”》 有 4 条评论

  1. 丰胸精油 的头像

    Total Core Search 看来在美国很厉害啊

  2. 三面翻广告牌 的头像


  3. 成都婚庆 的头像


  4. ball mill 的头像



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